The humble honey bee is one of the most important insects in our global food production ecosystem. Pollinators have been pollinating much of the food we eat through the ages, largely managed by traditional farming practices.
However, modern agritech solutions are radically changing the game; native pollinator populations are now in rapid decline. Beekeepers are now needed to pollinate evermore crops and manage the health of more beehives than ever before. However honey bees populations are also under pressure and management practices largely remain unchanged. Excepted in New Zealand a high value market with a challenging operating environment has led New Zealand beekeepers to innovative and change the way they manage their hives.
Information management is now a critical component for business operators in today’s demanding farming environment. We have found there is a direct connection between good business management and bee colony health. Through partnering with industry, MyApiary has custom-built and refined a software management platform specifically for commercial beekeepers. This has led to the development of world-leading hive management practices today.
MyApiary’s platform now facilitates behavioural change in many beekeeping operations, improving organisational communication and increasing productivity by helping beekeepers make informed, data-driven decisions. Enabling beekeepers to run effective sustainable business ensuring the future of our global food production ecosystem.